Getting Connected- the web

  • after creating a YouTube channel
  • its was linked to the newly created Facebook page
  • and then linked to WordPress account
  • by doing this increased the number of viewers from 19 to 907
  • this is the most visible evidence of the increase potential for awareness of your own work so farscreeen shot fbscreen shot youtubescreenshot wordpress

Creative Identity – Fonts

Moordy dhoo
Pacing the text to the right of the page
Creates a line mirroring the outline of the image on the right hand page
Allows before reading for the client to link the two pieces
Centralising the heading and the text parrallel to image creates liner flow through the book to draw the reader through
Ifplacement is to ellaborate it could confuse reader

  • Chiller-chiller-suitable to the theme but too difficult to read
  • Harrington-harrington- over complicated not appropriate
  • Parchment- parchment- too ornate-difficult to read
  • Viner hand itc-viner-clearer than chiller, mirrors the effect of the woodcut drawings
  • Castellar-castellar-classic and clear but to contrary to the design
  • iskoo- only available on indesign is simillar to the clean lines of castellar but lacks italic/gallegraphy flourish keeping the text simple clan and not overly complicated
  • By presenting each poem placed differently I can eitherhighlight image without the text detracting from the image. But using the same font throughout will link each peace as a whole rather than separate them